Zalando said the new hub will focus on developing an enhanced digital experience for customers of the Zalando Fashion Storeคำพูดจาก Nhà Cái Casino Online. The company’s tech department currently employs 1,800 people, primarily in Berlin but also in Dortmund, Hamburg, Ireland and Finland.“The opening of a dedicated technology hub with a strong focus on the digital experience of our Fashion Store is a strategic step to ensure we stay ahead of customer expectations in terms of personalization, inspiration and frictionless shopping”, said Marc Lamik, Head of Innovation and Partnerships at Zalando.
“Lisbon offers a great environment to develop our new hubคำพูดจาก Nhà Cái Casino Online. The city’s tech ecosystem will allow us to attract the talent we need, and we are looking forward to engaging in fruitful exchanges with the local start-up community.”The German e-tailer also launched last December Zalando Build, a platform which allows partners to integrate their tech solutions and innovations into the Zalando Fashion Store to improve the customer experience.In financial year 2016, Zalando saw sales increase by 23% to 3.6 billion euros, with a 14.8% increase in the Dach region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and a 29.6% rise in the rest of Europe. The company expects sales to jump between 20% and 25% this year.